Victoria Maldotti (2000), born, in Le Raincy (East Paris) France, embarked on her journey from the sparkling streets of the capital after leaving her suburban roots behind. Following her completion of a Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design at Penninghen, Victoria delved into the realm of Art Direction, seamlessly blending her passion for design with her innate sense of artistic expression.
Joining Acuitis as the Artistic Director, Victoria found herself drawn to the minimalist elegance and meticulous craftsmanship of Swiss graphic design—a style that resonates deeply with her approach to editorial projects. Her penchant for clean lines, thoughtful composition, and functional design mirrors the sophistication found in Swiss graphic design tradition.
Victoria’s artistic palette extends beyond the realm of graphic design, finding inspiration in the captivating works of photographers such as Irving Penn, William Eggleston, and Richard Avedon. Their ability to capture moments, evoke emotions, and transcend visual boundaries fuels Victoria’s passion for photography and informs her creative endeavors.
From a young age, Victoria immersed herself in the world of fashion magazines, captivated by its richness and diversity. While she finds it challenging to define her artistic style, Victoria’s projects exude a sense of sobriety, meticulousness, and purpose. In her editorial ventures, she seeks harmony, ensuring that every element has its place and purpose, echoing the structured elegance of Swiss design.
In photography, Victoria’s exploration knows no bounds. She delights in experimentation, reveling in the interplay of contrasts, forms, and abstraction. Whether capturing the essence of individuals or exploring conceptual themes, Victoria infuses her images with meaning, whether profound or lighthearted.
Described by her peers as refined, sophisticated, and graphically inclined, Victoria Maldotti continues to carve her path in the creative landscape, weaving narratives that blend elegance with purpose, simplicity with depth, and innovation with tradition.